Safeguarding our precious water

Reliable, clean, fresh water sits at the very heart of modern-day living – to the point where most of us take its availability for granted. Our role as one of Auckland’s water custodians is to ensure that this crucial resource is literally on tap as the city continues to grow.

This year, months and months of very little rain defied everything we had in place. Even though we plan for our infrastructure to be resilient to most droughts, the severity of this year’s drought required the collective support of Aucklanders to conserve water.

Working with precious natural resources is always about finding the informed and cost-effective way forward. We have that. We’ve planned for that. We literally have billions of dollars of infrastructure in the pipeline.

This year has challenged us. But it has in no way dented our commitment to work together with Aucklanders to ensure we preserve the water we have today – and the region is ready for tomorrow.

Our value creation model 

As Auckland’s water and wastewater services provider, our operations are intrinsically linked to the environment, community and the region’s economy.Our value creation model presents the relationship between the resources we use in our operations and activities, and the outcomes or “value” we create in those areas.


Chair and chief executive's report

The past year has been one of unprecedented challenges for Watercare. But alongside these challenges, we have also seen the enduring dedication and resilience of our people during the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing drought in Auckland.


Snapshot of 2019/2020

Delivering our strategy

Natural environment

It is a simple and universally-acknowledged truth that water is precious. It is also equally true that water, as both a resource and a service, is often taken for granted.

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People and culture

At Watercare, we define ourselves as a lifeline utility providing essential services around the clock. This was emphatically proven again over the past year.

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Customer and stakeholder relationships

Our vision is to be trusted by customers and communities for exceptional services. Gaining and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders is an ongoing journey.

Assets and infrastructure

Despite the challenges over the past 12 months, 2019/20 has been a record year for investment in water and wastewater infrastructure for Auckland.

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Intellectual capital

Our aspiration is to be a utility of the future – one that leverages technology and data to work smarter and serve our customers and communities better.

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Financial capital and resources

Water utilities across the world constantly balance two challenges: planning and building infrastructure for a growing population and ensuring minimum-cost services.